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Kamik is a division of Genfoot inc & Genfoot America inc. Kamik Footwear provides quality, performance and value for your outdoor Life. Kamik prides itself on giving you the latest in technology, at a value that far exceeds what you paid for it.
Kamik's Profile
About Us
City | Lachine |
State/Province | QC |
Country | CA |
KAMIK® comes from a place of extremes. Where the harshest conditions intersect with some of the most beautiful sights you'll ever see.
From bright - and unbearably cold - winter days, to breathtakingly colorful summer landscapes. A place with endless possibilities, but few distractions. Where nature dictates the shape of everything. Up here, everything exists for a reason; otherwise it doesn't exist for very long.
Kamik®, makes footwear that brings to life our northern origins. Singular. Strong. Simply dependable. Kamik's been doing it for over 100 years. Day after day. 24/7. The result of all this effort: a complete line of outdoor footwear built to deliver superior comfort and reliable protection in the most extreme conditions. We know you wouldn't have it any other way.
Built To Protect
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